Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Rhythmic delusions

Humans are always looking for brighter tomorrow, free from the problems of present. Every time there is a change in leadership in a country or an organization,  our expectations of better tomorrow are rejuvenated. However within a short time, the delusions are wiped off and  the same or the worser system pervade into our future too. In universities or science institutions in India, the leaders (VCs, directors, deans, heads etc) are, in my view, short-sighted with a vision limited to their own tenure period. They come and go with the least  improvement  in the system. This trend, however, has some exceptions. But, the exceptions/outliers are there in every system. Everyone is John Nash on this planet and everyone died in the road accident while returning from Abel award ceremony !  Following are my common observations on most science administrators:

1.  Their official email accounts are synonymous to event horizon. Nothing escapes to return back from this zone ! Some interpretations: i) Screw you, I don't care. You are just a  troll; ii) Come and lick my feet instead. Question: why do people take up the administrative positions when they think that they should not be accountable despite being in power?

2. Express a grievance, and you yourself will be assigned to solve the issue. Soft bullying? Interpretations: i) You got a problem, you solve it; ii) dont complain, else you will be loaded with the work.  Question: What does their office with all the staff do then? The mundane things like preparing time tables, broadcasting notices and circulars?

3. Nepoptosis (nepotism + apoptosis = programmed degradation of institution through biased treatment of employees).  Change in regime follows change in power-lobby compositions downstream. Interpretations: i) safeguarding their own tenure as pleasant and orgasmic as they want, ii) pushing their own, sometimes flawed, agendas;  iii) Feeling good about themselves by being flattered; iv) small initiatives for post-retirement plans.

My spirits take rhythmic swings,  while the delusional cycle continues...

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